aph image ID. * * @return string The open graph image ID. */ public function generate_open_graph_image_id() { if ( $this->model->open_graph_image_id ) { return $this->model->open_graph_image_id; } return $this->values_helper->get_open_graph_image_id( 0, $this->model->object_type, $this->model->object_sub_type ); } /** * Generates the open graph image URL. * * @return string The open graph image URL. */ public function generate_open_graph_image() { if ( $this->model->open_graph_image ) { return $this->model->open_graph_image; } return $this->values_helper->get_open_graph_image( '', $this->model->object_type, $this->model->object_sub_type ); } /** * Generates the open graph url. * * @return string The open graph url. */ public function generate_open_graph_url() { if ( $this->model->canonical ) { return $this->model->canonical; } return $this->permalink; } /** * Generates the open graph article publisher. * * @return string The open graph article publisher. */ public function generate_open_graph_article_publisher() { return ''; } /** * Generates the open graph article author. * * @return string The open graph article author. */ public function generate_open_graph_article_author() { return ''; } /** * Generates the open graph article published time. * * @return string The open graph article published time. */ public function generate_open_graph_article_published_time() { return ''; } /** * Generates the open graph article modified time. * * @return string The open graph article modified time. */ public function generate_open_graph_article_modified_time() { return ''; } /** * Generates the open graph locale. * * @return string The open graph locale. */ public function generate_open_graph_locale() { return $this->open_graph_locale_generator->generate( $this->context ); } /** * Generates the open graph site name. * * @return string The open graph site name. */ public function generate_open_graph_site_name() { return $this->context->wordpress_site_name; } /** * Generates the Twitter card type. * * @return string The Twitter card type. */ public function generate_twitter_card() { return $this->context->twitter_card; } /** * Generates the Twitter title. * * @return string The Twitter title. */ public function generate_twitter_title() { if ( $this->model->twitter_title ) { return $this->model->twitter_title; } if ( $this->context->open_graph_enabled === true ) { $social_template_title = $this->values_helper->get_open_graph_title( '', $this->model->object_type, $this->model->object_sub_type ); $open_graph_title = $this->open_graph_title; // If the helper returns a value and it's different from the OG value in the indexable, // output it in a twitter: tag. if ( ! empty( $social_template_title ) && $social_template_title !== $open_graph_title ) { return $social_template_title; } // If the OG title is set, let og: tag take care of this. if ( ! empty( $open_graph_title ) ) { return ''; } } if ( $this->title ) { return $this->title; } return ''; } /** * Generates the Twitter description. * * @return string The Twitter description. */ public function generate_twitter_description() { if ( $this->model->twitter_description ) { return $this->model->twitter_description; } if ( $this->context->open_graph_enabled === true ) { $social_template_description = $this->values_helper->get_open_graph_description( '', $this->model->object_type, $this->model->object_sub_type ); $open_graph_description = $this->open_graph_description; // If the helper returns a value and it's different from the OG value in the indexable, // output it in a twitter: tag. if ( ! empty( $social_template_description ) && $social_template_description !== $open_graph_description ) { return $social_template_description; } // If the OG description is set, let og: tag take care of this. if ( ! empty( $open_graph_description ) ) { return ''; } } if ( $this->meta_description ) { return $this->meta_description; } return ''; } /** * Generates the Twitter image. * * @return string The Twitter image. */ public function generate_twitter_image() { $images = $this->twitter_image_generator->generate( $this->context ); $image = \reset( $images ); // Use a user-defined Twitter image, if present. if ( $image && $this->context->indexable->twitter_image_source === 'set-by-user' ) { return $image['url']; } // Let the Open Graph tags, if enabled, handle the rest of the fallback hierarchy. if ( $this->context->open_graph_enabled === true && $this->open_graph_images ) { return ''; } // Set a Twitter tag with the featured image, or a prominent image from the content, if present. if ( $image ) { return $image['url']; } return ''; } /** * Generates the Twitter creator. * * @return string The Twitter creator. */ public function generate_twitter_creator() { return ''; } /** * Generates the Twitter site. * * @return string The Twitter site. */ public function generate_twitter_site() { switch ( $this->context->site_represents ) { case 'person': $twitter = $this->user->get_the_author_meta( 'twitter', (int) $this->context->site_user_id ); if ( empty( $twitter ) ) { $twitter = $this->options->get( 'twitter_site' ); } break; case 'company': default: $twitter = $this->options->get( 'twitter_site' ); break; } return $twitter; } /** * Generates the source. * * @return array The source. */ public function generate_source() { return []; } /** * Generates the schema for the page. * * @codeCoverageIgnore Wrapper method. * * @return array The Schema object. */ public function generate_schema() { return $this->schema_generator->generate( $this->context ); } /** * Generates the breadcrumbs for the page. * * @codeCoverageIgnore Wrapper method. * * @return array The breadcrumbs. */ public function generate_breadcrumbs() { return $this->breadcrumbs_generator->generate( $this->context ); } /** * Generates the estimated reading time. * * @codeCoverageIgnore Wrapper method. * * @return int|null The estimated reading time. */ public function generate_estimated_reading_time_minutes() { if ( $this->model->estimated_reading_time_minutes !== null ) { return $this->model->estimated_reading_time_minutes; } if ( $this->context->post === null ) { return null; } // 200 is the approximate estimated words per minute across languages. $words_per_minute = 200; $words = \str_word_count( \wp_strip_all_tags( $this->context->post->post_content ) ); return (int) \round( $words / $words_per_minute ); } /** * Strips all nested dependencies from the debug info. * * @return array */ public function __debugInfo() { return [ 'model' => $this->model, 'context' => $this->context, ]; } }