'args' => array( 'option_name' => $option_name, 'id' => 'coc_number', 'translatable' => true, 'description' => __( 'Required for UBL output format.
You can display this number on the invoice from the document settings.', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ) . ' ' . $requires_pro , ) ), array( 'type' => 'setting', 'id' => 'shop_address', 'title' => __( 'Shop Address', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'callback' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'args' => array( 'option_name' => $option_name, 'id' => 'shop_address', 'width' => '72', 'height' => '8', 'translatable' => true, //'description' => __( '...', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), ) ), array( 'type' => 'setting', 'id' => 'footer', 'title' => __( 'Footer: terms & conditions, policies, etc.', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'callback' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'general_settings', 'args' => array( 'option_name' => $option_name, 'id' => 'footer', 'width' => '72', 'height' => '4', 'translatable' => true, //'description' => __( '...', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), ) ), array( 'type' => 'section', 'id' => 'extra_template_fields', 'title' => __( 'Extra template fields', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'callback' => 'custom_fields_section', ), array( 'type' => 'setting', 'id' => 'extra_1', 'title' => __( 'Extra field 1', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'callback' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'extra_template_fields', 'args' => array( 'option_name' => $option_name, 'id' => 'extra_1', 'width' => '72', 'height' => '8', 'description' => __( 'This is footer column 1 in the Modern (Premium) template', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'translatable' => true, ) ), array( 'type' => 'setting', 'id' => 'extra_2', 'title' => __( 'Extra field 2', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'callback' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'extra_template_fields', 'args' => array( 'option_name' => $option_name, 'id' => 'extra_2', 'width' => '72', 'height' => '8', 'description' => __( 'This is footer column 2 in the Modern (Premium) template', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'translatable' => true, ) ), array( 'type' => 'setting', 'id' => 'extra_3', 'title' => __( 'Extra field 3', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'callback' => 'textarea', 'section' => 'extra_template_fields', 'args' => array( 'option_name' => $option_name, 'id' => 'extra_3', 'width' => '72', 'height' => '8', 'description' => __( 'This is footer column 3 in the Modern (Premium) template', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'translatable' => true, ) ), ); // allow plugins to alter settings fields $settings_fields = apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_settings_fields_general', $settings_fields, $page, $option_group, $option_name ); WPO_WCPDF()->settings->add_settings_fields( $settings_fields, $page, $option_group, $option_name ); return; } public function attachment_settings_hint( $active_tab, $active_section ) { // save or check option to hide attachments settings hint if ( isset( $_REQUEST['wpo_wcpdf_hide_attachments_hint'] ) && isset( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'] ) ) { // validate nonce if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'hide_attachments_hint_nonce' ) ) { wcpdf_log_error( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action: wpo_wcpdf_hide_attachments_hint' ); $hide_hint = false; } else { update_option( 'wpo_wcpdf_hide_attachments_hint', true ); $hide_hint = true; } } else { $hide_hint = get_option( 'wpo_wcpdf_hide_attachments_hint' ); } if ( $active_tab == 'general' && ! $hide_hint ) { $documents = WPO_WCPDF()->documents->get_documents(); foreach ( $documents as $document ) { if ( $document->get_type() == 'invoice' ) { $invoice_email_ids = $document->get_attach_to_email_ids(); if ( empty( $invoice_email_ids ) ) { include_once( WPO_WCPDF()->plugin_path() . '/includes/views/attachment-settings-hint.php' ); } } } } } public function get_installed_templates_list() { $installed_templates = WPO_WCPDF()->settings->get_installed_templates(); $template_list = array(); foreach ( $installed_templates as $path => $template_id ) { $template_name = basename( $template_id ); $group = dirname( $template_id ); switch ( $group ) { case 'default': case 'premium_plugin': // no suffix break; case 'theme': default: $template_name = sprintf( '%s (%s)', $template_name, __( 'Custom', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ) ); break; } $template_list[$template_id] = $template_name; } return $template_list; } /** * List templates in plugin folder, theme folder & child theme folder * @return array template path => template name */ public function find_templates() { $installed_templates = array(); // get base paths $template_base_path = ( function_exists( 'WC' ) && is_callable( array( WC(), 'template_path' ) ) ) ? WC()->template_path() : apply_filters( 'woocommerce_template_path', 'woocommerce/' ); $template_base_path = untrailingslashit( $template_base_path ); $template_paths = array ( // note the order: child-theme before theme, so that array_unique filters out parent doubles 'default' => WPO_WCPDF()->plugin_path() . '/templates/', 'child-theme' => get_stylesheet_directory() . "/{$template_base_path}/pdf/", 'theme' => get_template_directory() . "/{$template_base_path}/pdf/", ); $template_paths = apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_template_paths', $template_paths ); if ( defined( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ) && ! empty( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) && false !== strpos( WP_CONTENT_DIR, ABSPATH ) ) { $forwardslash_basepath = str_replace( '\\', '/', ABSPATH ); } else { $forwardslash_basepath = str_replace( '\\', '/', WP_CONTENT_DIR ); } foreach ( $template_paths as $template_source => $template_path ) { $dirs = (array) glob( $template_path . '*' , GLOB_ONLYDIR ); foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) { if ( empty( $dir ) ) { continue; } // we're stripping abspath to make the plugin settings more portable $forwardslash_dir = str_replace( '\\', '/', $dir ); $installed_templates[ str_replace( $forwardslash_basepath, '', $forwardslash_dir ) ] = basename( $dir ); } } // remove parent doubles $installed_templates = array_unique( $installed_templates ); if ( empty( $installed_templates ) ) { // fallback to Simple template for servers with glob() disabled $simple_template_path = str_replace( ABSPATH, '', $template_paths['default'] . 'Simple' ); $installed_templates[$simple_template_path] = 'Simple'; } return apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_templates', $installed_templates ); } } endif; // class_exists