array( 'label' => __( 'Add custom data to your documents', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'description' => sprintf( '%s %s', __( 'Display all sorts of data and apply conditional logic using Custom Blocks.', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), '', __( 'Learn more', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ) ), 'extensions' => ['templates', 'bundle'], ), array( 'label' => __( 'Additional PDF templates', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'description' => __( 'Make use of our Business or Modern template designs.', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'extensions' => ['templates', 'bundle'], ), array( 'label' => __( 'Add styling', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'description' => __( 'Easily change the look and feel of your documents by adding some custom CSS.', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 'extensions' => ['templates', 'bundle'], ), ); $extension_license_infos = $this->get_extension_license_infos(); include( WPO_WCPDF()->plugin_path() . '/includes/views/upgrade-table.php' ); } } /** * Check if a PDF extension is enabled * * @param string $extension can be 'pro' or 'templates' * @return boolean */ public function extension_is_enabled( $extension ) { $is_enabled = false; if ( ! empty( $extension ) || ! in_array( $extension, [ 'pro', 'templates' ] ) ) { $extension_main_function = "WPO_WCPDF_".ucfirst( $extension ); if ( function_exists( $extension_main_function ) ) { $is_enabled = true; } } return $is_enabled; } /** * Get PDF extensions license info * * @return array */ public function get_extension_license_infos() { $extensions = [ 'pro', 'templates' ]; $license_info = []; $bundle_upgrade_link = ''; $license_status = 'inactive'; foreach ( $extensions as $extension ) { $license_info[$extension] = []; $args = []; $request = null; $license_key = ''; $sidekick = false; $updater = null; if ( $this->extension_is_enabled( $extension ) ) { $extension_main_function = "WPO_WCPDF_".ucfirst( $extension ); $updater = $extension_main_function()->updater; if ( $extension == 'templates' && version_compare( $extension_main_function()->version, '2.20.0', '<=' ) ) { // 'updater' property had 'private' visibility continue; } if ( is_null( $updater ) ) { continue; } // built-in updater if ( is_callable( [ $updater, 'get_license_key' ] ) ) { $license_key = $updater->get_license_key(); // sidekick (legacy) } elseif ( property_exists( $updater, 'license_key' ) ) { $license_slug = "wpo_wcpdf_{$extension}_license"; $wpo_license_keys = get_option( 'wpocore_settings', array() ); $license_key = isset( $wpo_license_keys[$license_slug] ) ? $wpo_license_keys[$license_slug] : $license_key; $sidekick = true; } if ( ! empty( $license_key ) ) { $args['edd_action'] = 'check_license'; $args['license_key'] = trim( $license_key ); // legacy if ( $sidekick ) { if ( ! class_exists( 'WPO_Update_Helper' ) ) { include_once( $extension_main_function()->plugin_path() . '/updater/update-helper.php' ); } $item_name = 'PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce - '; $file = $extension_main_function()->plugin_path(); $version = $extension_main_function()->version; $author = 'WP Overnight'; switch ( $extension ) { case 'pro': $item_name = "{$item_name}Professional"; break; case 'templates': $item_name = "{$item_name}Premium Templates"; break; } $updater = new \WPO_Update_Helper( $item_name, $file, $license_slug, $version, $author ); } } else { continue; } if ( $updater && is_callable( [ $updater, 'remote_license_actions' ] ) && ! empty( $args ) ) { $request = $updater->remote_license_actions( $args ); if ( is_object( $request ) && isset( $request->license ) ) { $license_info[$extension]['status'] = $license_status = $request->license; if ( empty( $bundle_upgrade_link ) && ! empty( $request->bundle_upgrade ) && is_string( $request->bundle_upgrade ) ) { $bundle_upgrade_link = $request->bundle_upgrade; // } } } } } $extensions[] = 'bundle'; foreach ( $extensions as $extension ) { if ( ! empty( $bundle_upgrade_link ) && $license_status == 'valid' ) { $license_info[$extension]['url'] = $bundle_upgrade_link; } else { switch ( $extension ) { case 'pro': $license_info[$extension]['url'] = ''; break; case 'templates': $license_info[$extension]['url'] = ''; break; case 'bundle': $license_info[$extension]['url'] = ''; break; } } } return $license_info; } } endif; // class_exists