new Style object to the stylesheet * * The style's origin is changed to the current origin of the stylesheet. * * @param string $key the Style's selector * @param Style $style the Style to be added */ function add_style(string $key, Style $style): void { if (!isset($this->_styles[$key])) { $this->_styles[$key] = []; } $style->set_origin($this->_current_origin); $this->_styles[$key][] = $style; } /** * load and parse a CSS string * * @param string $css * @param int $origin */ function load_css(&$css, $origin = self::ORIG_AUTHOR) { if ($origin) { $this->_current_origin = $origin; } $this->_parse_css($css); } /** * load and parse a CSS file * * @param string $file * @param int $origin */ function load_css_file($file, $origin = self::ORIG_AUTHOR) { if ($origin) { $this->_current_origin = $origin; } // Prevent circular references if (isset($this->_loaded_files[$file])) { return; } $this->_loaded_files[$file] = true; if (strpos($file, "data:") === 0) { $parsed = Helpers::parse_data_uri($file); $css = $parsed["data"]; } else { $options = $this->_dompdf->getOptions(); $parsed_url = Helpers::explode_url($file); $protocol = $parsed_url["protocol"]; if ($file !== $this->getDefaultStylesheet()) { $allowed_protocols = $options->getAllowedProtocols(); if (!array_key_exists($protocol, $allowed_protocols)) { Helpers::record_warnings(E_USER_WARNING, "Permission denied on $file. The communication protocol is not supported.", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } foreach ($allowed_protocols[$protocol]["rules"] as $rule) { [$result, $message] = $rule($file); if (!$result) { Helpers::record_warnings(E_USER_WARNING, "Error loading $file: $message", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } } } [$css, $http_response_header] = Helpers::getFileContent($file, $this->_dompdf->getHttpContext()); $good_mime_type = true; if (isset($http_response_header) && !$this->_dompdf->getQuirksmode()) { foreach ($http_response_header as $_header) { if (preg_match("@Content-Type:\s*([\w/]+)@i", $_header, $matches) && ($matches[1] !== "text/css") ) { $good_mime_type = false; } } } if (!$good_mime_type || $css === null) { Helpers::record_warnings(E_USER_WARNING, "Unable to load css file $file", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } [$this->_protocol, $this->_base_host, $this->_base_path] = $parsed_url; } $this->_parse_css($css); } /** * @link * * @param string $selector * @param int $origin * - Stylesheet::ORIG_UA: user agent style sheet * - Stylesheet::ORIG_USER: user style sheet * - Stylesheet::ORIG_AUTHOR: author style sheet * * @return int */ protected function specificity(string $selector, int $origin = self::ORIG_AUTHOR): int { $a = ($selector === "!attr") ? 1 : 0; $b = min(mb_substr_count($selector, "#"), 255); $c = min(mb_substr_count($selector, ".") + mb_substr_count($selector, "[") + mb_substr_count($selector, ":") - 2 * mb_substr_count($selector, "::"), 255); $d = min(mb_substr_count($selector, " ") + mb_substr_count($selector, ">") + mb_substr_count($selector, "+") + mb_substr_count($selector, "~") - mb_substr_count($selector, "~=") + mb_substr_count($selector, "::"), 255); //If a normal element name is at the beginning of the string, //a leading whitespace might have been removed on whitespace collapsing and removal //therefore there might be one whitespace less as selected element names //this can lead to a too small specificity //see selectorToXpath if (!in_array($selector[0], [" ", ">", ".", "#", "+", "~", ":", "["], true) && $selector !== "*") { $d++; } if ($this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugCss()) { /*DEBUGCSS*/ print "
            printf("specificity(): 0x%08x \"%s\"\n", self::$_stylesheet_origins[$origin] + (($a << 24) | ($b << 16) | ($c << 8) | ($d)), $selector);
            print "
"; } return self::$_stylesheet_origins[$origin] + (($a << 24) | ($b << 16) | ($c << 8) | ($d)); } /** * Converts a CSS selector to an XPath query. * * @param string $selector * @param bool $firstPass * * @return array|null */ protected function selectorToXpath(string $selector, bool $firstPass = false): ?array { // Collapse white space and strip whitespace around delimiters //$search = array("/\\s+/", "/\\s+([.>#+:])\\s+/"); //$replace = array(" ", "\\1"); //$selector = preg_replace($search, $replace, trim($selector)); // Initial query, always expanded to // below (non-absolute) $query = "/"; // Will contain :before and :after $pseudo_elements = []; // Parse the selector //$s = preg_split("/([ :>.#+])/", $selector, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $delimiters = [" ", ">", ".", "#", "+", "~", ":", "[", "("]; // Add an implicit space at the beginning of the selector if there is no // delimiter there already. if (!in_array($selector[0], $delimiters, true)) { $selector = " $selector"; } $name = "*"; $len = mb_strlen($selector); $i = 0; while ($i < $len) { $s = $selector[$i]; $i++; // Eat characters up to the next delimiter $tok = ""; $in_attr = false; $in_func = false; while ($i < $len) { $c = $selector[$i]; $c_prev = $selector[$i - 1]; if (!$in_func && !$in_attr && in_array($c, $delimiters, true) && !($c === $c_prev && $c === ":")) { break; } if ($c_prev === "[") { $in_attr = true; } if ($c_prev === "(") { $in_func = true; } $tok .= $selector[$i++]; if ($in_attr && $c === "]") { $in_attr = false; break; } if ($in_func && $c === ")") { $in_func = false; break; } } switch ($s) { case " ": case ">": // All elements matching the next token that are descendants // or children of the current token // // $expr = $s === " " ? "descendant" : "child"; // Tag names are case-insensitive $name = $tok === "" ? "*" : strtolower($tok); $query .= "/$expr::$name"; break; case "+": // Next-sibling combinator // // Tag names are case-insensitive $name = $tok === "" ? "*" : strtolower($tok); $query .= "/following-sibling::*[1]"; if ($name !== "*") { $query .= "[name() = '$name']"; } break; case "~": // Subsequent-sibling combinator // // Tag names are case-insensitive $name = $tok === "" ? "*" : strtolower($tok); $query .= "/following-sibling::$name"; break; case "#": // All elements matching the current token with id equal // to the _next_ token // if ($query === "/") { $query .= "/*"; } $query .= "[@id=\"$tok\"]"; break; case ".": // All elements matching the current token with a class // equal to the _next_ token // if ($query === "/") { $query .= "/*"; } // Match multiple classes: $tok contains the current selected // class. Search for class attributes with class="$tok", // class=".* $tok .*" and class=".* $tok" // This doesn't work because libxml only supports XPath 1.0... //$query .= "[matches(@$attr,\"^{$tok}\$|^{$tok}[ ]+|[ ]+{$tok}\$|[ ]+{$tok}[ ]+\")]"; $query .= "[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), concat(' ', '$tok', ' '))]"; break; case ":": if ($query === "/") { $query .= "/*"; } $last = false; // Pseudo-classes switch ($tok) { case "root": $query .= "[not(parent::*)]"; break; case "first-child": $query .= "[not(preceding-sibling::*)]"; break; case "last-child": $query .= "[not(following-sibling::*)]"; break; case "only-child": $query .= "[not(preceding-sibling::*) and not(following-sibling::*)]"; break; // /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ case "nth-last-child": $last = true; case "nth-child": $p = $i + 1; $nth = trim(mb_substr($selector, $p, strpos($selector, ")", $i) - $p)); $position = $last ? "(count(following-sibling::*) + 1)" : "(count(preceding-sibling::*) + 1)"; $condition = $this->selectorAnPlusB($nth, $position); $query .= "[$condition]"; break; // TODO: `*:first-of-type`, `*:nth-of-type` etc. // (without fixed element name) are treated equivalent // to their `:*-child` counterparts here. They might // not be properly expressible in XPath 1.0 case "first-of-type": $query .= "[not(preceding-sibling::$name)]"; break; case "last-of-type": $query .= "[not(following-sibling::$name)]"; break; case "only-of-type": $query .= "[not(preceding-sibling::$name) and not(following-sibling::$name)]"; break; // /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ case "nth-last-of-type": $last = true; case "nth-of-type": $p = $i + 1; $nth = trim(mb_substr($selector, $p, strpos($selector, ")", $i) - $p)); $position = $last ? "(count(following-sibling::$name) + 1)" : "(count(preceding-sibling::$name) + 1)"; $condition = $this->selectorAnPlusB($nth, $position); $query .= "[$condition]"; break; // case "empty": $query .= "[not(*) and not(normalize-space())]"; break; // TODO: bit of a hack attempt at matches support, currently only matches against elements case "matches": $p = $i + 1; $matchList = trim(mb_substr($selector, $p, strpos($selector, ")", $i) - $p)); // Tag names are case-insensitive $elements = array_map("trim", explode(",", strtolower($matchList))); foreach ($elements as &$element) { $element = "name() = '$element'"; } $query .= "[" . implode(" or ", $elements) . "]"; break; // case "disabled": case "checked": $query .= "[@$tok]"; break; case "enabled": $query .= "[not(@disabled)]"; break; // // case "link": case "any-link": $query .= "[@href]"; break; // N/A case "visited": case "hover": case "active": case "focus": case "focus-visible": case "focus-within": $query .= "[false()]"; break; // // case "first-line": case ":first-line": case "first-letter": case ":first-letter": // TODO $el = ltrim($tok, ":"); $pseudo_elements[$el] = true; break; // case "before": case ":before": case "after": case ":after": $pos = ltrim($tok, ":"); $pseudo_elements[$pos] = true; if (!$firstPass) { $query .= "/*[@$pos]"; } break; // Invalid or unsupported pseudo-class or pseudo-element default: return null; } break; case "[": // Attribute selectors. All with an attribute matching the // following token(s) // if ($query === "/") { $query .= "/*"; } $attr_delimiters = ["=", "]", "~", "|", "$", "^", "*"]; $tok_len = mb_strlen($tok); $j = 0; $attr = ""; $op = ""; $value = ""; while ($j < $tok_len) { if (in_array($tok[$j], $attr_delimiters, true)) { break; } $attr .= $tok[$j++]; } if ($attr === "") { // Selector invalid: Missing attribute name return null; } if (!isset($tok[$j])) { // Selector invalid: Missing ] or operator return null; } switch ($tok[$j]) { case "~": case "|": case "^": case "$": case "*": $op .= $tok[$j++]; if (!isset($tok[$j]) || $tok[$j] !== "=") { // Selector invalid: Incomplete attribute operator return null; } $op .= $tok[$j]; break; case "=": $op = "="; break; } // Read the attribute value, if required if ($op !== "") { $j++; while ($j < $tok_len) { if ($tok[$j] === "]") { break; } $value .= $tok[$j++]; } } if (!isset($tok[$j])) { // Selector invalid: Missing ] return null; } $value = trim($value, "\"'"); switch ($op) { case "": $query .= "[@$attr]"; break; case "=": $query .= "[@$attr=\"$value\"]"; break; case "~=": // FIXME: this will break if $value contains quoted strings // (e.g. [type~="a b c" "d e f"]) $query .= $value !== "" && !preg_match("/\s+/", $value) ? "[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@$attr), ' '), concat(' ', \"$value\", ' '))]" : "[false()]"; break; case "|=": $values = explode("-", $value); $query .= "["; foreach ($values as $val) { $query .= "starts-with(@$attr, \"$val\") or "; } $query = rtrim($query, " or ") . "]"; break; case "^=": $query .= $value !== "" ? "[starts-with(@$attr,\"$value\")]" : "[false()]"; break; case "$=": $query .= $value !== "" ? "[substring(@$attr, string-length(@$attr)-" . (strlen($value) - 1) . ")=\"$value\"]" : "[false()]"; break; case "*=": $query .= $value !== "" ? "[contains(@$attr,\"$value\")]" : "[false()]"; break; } break; } } return ["query" => $query, "pseudo_elements" => $pseudo_elements]; } /** * Parse an `nth-child` expression of the form `an+b`, `odd`, or `even`. * * @param string $expr * @param string $position * * @return string * * @link */ protected function selectorAnPlusB(string $expr, string $position): string { // odd if ($expr === "odd") { return "($position mod 2) = 1"; } // even elseif ($expr === "even") { return "($position mod 2) = 0"; } // b elseif (preg_match("/^\d+$/", $expr)) { return "$position = $expr"; } // an+b // $expr = preg_replace("/\s/", "", $expr); if (!preg_match("/^(?P-?[0-9]*)?n(?P[-+]?[0-9]+)?$/", $expr, $matches)) { return "false()"; } $a = (isset($matches["a"]) && $matches["a"] !== "") ? ($matches["a"] !== "-" ? intval($matches["a"]) : -1) : 1; $b = (isset($matches["b"]) && $matches["b"] !== "") ? intval($matches["b"]) : 0; if ($b === 0) { return "($position mod $a) = 0"; } else { $compare = ($a < 0) ? "<=" : ">="; $b2 = -$b; if ($b2 >= 0) { $b2 = "+$b2"; } return "($position $compare $b) and ((($position $b2) mod " . abs($a) . ") = 0)"; } } /** * applies all current styles to a particular document tree * * apply_styles() applies all currently loaded styles to the provided * {@link FrameTree}. Aside from parsing CSS, this is the main purpose * of this class. * * @param FrameTree $tree */ function apply_styles(FrameTree $tree) { // Use XPath to select nodes. This would be easier if we could attach // Frame objects directly to DOMNodes using the setUserData() method, but // we can't do that just yet. Instead, we set a _node attribute_ in // Frame->set_id() and use that as a handle on the Frame object via // FrameTree::$_registry. // We create a scratch array of styles indexed by frame id. Once all // styles have been assigned, we order the cached styles by specificity // and create a final style object to assign to the frame. // FIXME: this is not particularly robust... $styles = []; $xp = new DOMXPath($tree->get_dom()); $DEBUGCSS = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugCss(); // Add generated content foreach ($this->_styles as $selector => $selector_styles) { if (strpos($selector, ":before") === false && strpos($selector, ":after") === false) { continue; } $query = $this->selectorToXpath($selector, true); if ($query === null) { Helpers::record_warnings(E_USER_WARNING, "The CSS selector '$selector' is not valid", __FILE__, __LINE__); continue; } // Retrieve the nodes, limit to body for generated content // TODO: If we use a context node can we remove the leading dot? $nodes = @$xp->query('.' . $query["query"]); if ($nodes === false) { Helpers::record_warnings(E_USER_WARNING, "The CSS selector '$selector' is not valid", __FILE__, __LINE__); continue; } foreach ($selector_styles as $style) { foreach ($nodes as $node) { // Only DOMElements get styles if (!($node instanceof DOMElement)) { continue; } foreach (array_keys($query["pseudo_elements"], true, true) as $pos) { // Do not add a new pseudo element if another one already matched if ($node->hasAttribute("dompdf_{$pos}_frame_id")) { continue; } $content = $style->content; // Do not create non-displayed before/after pseudo // elements. Since styles have not been inherited yet, // a specified value of `inherit` will always be treated // as `normal` here. This is fine according to the // CSS 2.1 spec, as any value computes to `normal` on // regular elements // // if ($content === "normal" || $content === "none") { continue; } // $single = count($content) === 1 ? $content[0] : null; if ($single instanceof Url) { $src = $this->resolve_url("url($single->url)"); $new_node = $node->ownerDocument->createElement("img_generated"); $new_node->setAttribute("src", $src); } else { $new_node = $node->ownerDocument->createElement("dompdf_generated"); } $new_node->setAttribute($pos, $pos); $new_frame_id = $tree->insert_node($node, $new_node, $pos); $node->setAttribute("dompdf_{$pos}_frame_id", $new_frame_id); } } } } // Apply all styles in stylesheet foreach ($this->_styles as $selector => $selector_styles) { $query = $this->selectorToXpath($selector); if ($query === null) { Helpers::record_warnings(E_USER_WARNING, "The CSS selector '$selector' is not valid", __FILE__, __LINE__); continue; } // Retrieve the nodes $nodes = @$xp->query($query["query"]); if ($nodes === false) { Helpers::record_warnings(E_USER_WARNING, "The CSS selector '$selector' is not valid", __FILE__, __LINE__); continue; } foreach ($selector_styles as $style) { $spec = $this->specificity($selector, $style->get_origin()); foreach ($nodes as $node) { // Only DOMElements get styles if (!($node instanceof DOMElement)) { continue; } $id = $node->getAttribute("frame_id"); // Assign the current style to the scratch array $styles[$id][$spec][] = $style; } } } // Set the page width, height, and orientation based on the canvas paper size $canvas = $this->_dompdf->getCanvas(); $paper_width = $canvas->get_width(); $paper_height = $canvas->get_height(); $paper_orientation = ($paper_width > $paper_height ? "landscape" : "portrait"); if ($this->_page_styles["base"] && is_array($this->_page_styles["base"]->size)) { $paper_width = $this->_page_styles['base']->size[0]; $paper_height = $this->_page_styles['base']->size[1]; $paper_orientation = ($paper_width > $paper_height ? "landscape" : "portrait"); } // Now create the styles and assign them to the appropriate frames. (We // iterate over the tree using an implicit FrameTree iterator.) $root_flg = false; foreach ($tree as $frame) { // Helpers::pre_r($frame->get_node()->nodeName . ":"); if (!$root_flg && $this->_page_styles["base"]) { $style = $this->_page_styles["base"]; } else { $style = $this->create_style(); } // Find nearest DOMElement parent $p = $frame; while ($p = $p->get_parent()) { if ($p->get_node()->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { break; } } // Styles can only be applied directly to DOMElements; anonymous // frames inherit from their parent if ($frame->get_node()->nodeType !== XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $style->inherit($p ? $p->get_style() : null); $frame->set_style($style); continue; } $id = $frame->get_id(); // Handle HTML 4.0 attributes AttributeTranslator::translate_attributes($frame); if (($str = $frame->get_node()->getAttribute(AttributeTranslator::$_style_attr)) !== "") { $styles[$id][self::SPEC_NON_CSS][] = $this->_parse_properties($str); } // Locate any additional style attributes if (($str = $frame->get_node()->getAttribute("style")) !== "") { // Destroy CSS comments $str = preg_replace("'/\*.*?\*/'si", "", $str); $spec = $this->specificity("!attr", self::ORIG_AUTHOR); $styles[$id][$spec][] = $this->_parse_properties($str); } // Grab the applicable styles if (isset($styles[$id])) { /** @var array[][] $applied_styles */ $applied_styles = $styles[$id]; // Sort by specificity ksort($applied_styles); if ($DEBUGCSS) { $debug_nodename = $frame->get_node()->nodeName; print "
\n$debug_nodename [\n";
                    foreach ($applied_styles as $spec => $arr) {
                        printf("  specificity 0x%08x\n", $spec);
                        /** @var Style $s */
                        foreach ($arr as $s) {
                            print "  [\n";
                            print "  ]\n";

                // Merge the new styles with the inherited styles
                $acceptedmedia = self::$ACCEPTED_GENERIC_MEDIA_TYPES;
                $acceptedmedia[] = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDefaultMediaType();

                foreach ($applied_styles as $arr) {
                    /** @var Style $s */
                    foreach ($arr as $s) {
                        $media_queries = $s->get_media_queries();
                        if (count($media_queries) > 0) {
                            $media_query_match = false;
                            foreach ($media_queries as $media_query_group) {
                                foreach ($media_query_group as $media_query) {
                                    list($media_query_feature, $media_query_value, $media_query_operator) = $media_query;
                                    switch ($media_query_feature) {
                                        case "height":
                                            $feature_match = $paper_height === (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value);
                                        case "min-height":
                                            $feature_match = $paper_height >= (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value);
                                        case "max-height":
                                            $feature_match = $paper_height <= (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value);
                                        case "width":
                                            $feature_match = $paper_width === (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value);
                                        case "min-width":
                                            $feature_match = $paper_width >= (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value);
                                        case "max-width":
                                            $feature_match = $paper_width <= (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value);
                                        case "orientation":
                                            $feature_match = $paper_orientation === $media_query_value;
                                        case "type":
                                            $feature_match = in_array($media_query_value, $acceptedmedia, true);
                                            Helpers::record_warnings(E_USER_WARNING, "Unknown media query: $media_query_feature", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                                            continue (2); // unknown query, move to the next grouping
                                    $negate = $media_query_operator === "not";
                                    if ($negate xor !$feature_match) {
                                        continue (2); // failed query match, move to the next grouping
                                $media_query_match = true;
                            if (!$media_query_match) {

            // Handle inheritance
            if ($p && $DEBUGCSS) {
                print "  inherit [\n";
                print "  ]\n";

            $style->inherit($p ? $p->get_style() : null);

            if ($DEBUGCSS) {
                print "  DomElementStyle [\n";
                print "  ]\n";
                print "]\n
"; } $style->clear_important(); $frame->set_style($style); if (!$root_flg && $this->_page_styles["base"]) { $root_flg = true; // set the page width, height, and orientation based on the parsed page style if ($style->size !== "auto") { list($paper_width, $paper_height) = $style->size; } $paper_width = $paper_width - (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->margin_left) - (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->margin_right); $paper_height = $paper_height - (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->margin_top) - (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->margin_bottom); $paper_orientation = ($paper_width > $paper_height ? "landscape" : "portrait"); } } // We're done! Clean out the registry of all styles since we // won't be needing this later. foreach (array_keys($this->_styles) as $key) { $this->_styles[$key] = null; unset($this->_styles[$key]); } } /** * parse a CSS string using a regex parser * Called by {@link Stylesheet::parse_css()} * * @param string $str * * @throws Exception */ private function _parse_css($str) { $str = trim($str); // Destroy comments and remove HTML comments $css = preg_replace([ "'/\*.*?\*/'si", "/^$/" ], "", $str); // shim constants for string interpolation $pattern_atimport_string = str_replace("CSS_STRING", "CSS_ATIMPORT_STRING", self::PATTERN_CSS_STRING); $pattern_atimport_url = str_replace("CSS_URL_FN", "CSS_ATIMPORT_URL_FN", self::PATTERN_CSS_URL_FN); $pattern_media_query = self::PATTERN_MEDIA_QUERY; // Something more legible: // ... does not handle '{' within strings, e.g. [attr="string {}"] $re = <<@(? (?font-face) |(?import) |(?media) |(?page) |(?[\w-]*) ))? # Branch to process segment following at-rule match (?(CSS_ATRULE)(?: (?(CSS_ATFONT)\s*{(?.*?)}) (?(CSS_ATIMPORT)\s*(? (? {$pattern_atimport_string} |{$pattern_atimport_url} ) (?.*?) );) (?(CSS_ATMEDIA)\s*(?[^{]*){(? (?:(?>[^{}]+) (?{)? (?(CSS_ATMEDIA_BODY_BRACKET) (?>[^}]*) }) \s*)+? )}) (?(CSS_ATPAGE)\s*(?[^{]*){(?.*?)}) (?(CSS_AT)\s*([^{;]*)(;|{(? (?:(?>[^{}]+) (?{)? (?(CSS_AT_BODY_BRACKET) (?>[^}]*) }) \s*)+? )})) ) # Branch to match regular rules (not preceded by '@') |(?[^{]*{[^}]*})) /isx EOL; if (preg_match_all($re, $css, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) === false) { throw new Exception("Error parsing css file: preg_match_all() failed."); } $media_query_regex = "/{$pattern_media_query}/isx"; $accepted_media = self::$ACCEPTED_GENERIC_MEDIA_TYPES; $accepted_media[] = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDefaultMediaType(); foreach ($matches as $match) { if ($match["CSS_ATRULE_IDENTIFIER"] !== "") { $atrule_identifier = strtolower($match["CSS_ATRULE_IDENTIFIER"]); // Handle @rules switch ($atrule_identifier) { case "import": $this->_parse_import($match["CSS_ATIMPORT_URL"], $match["CSS_ATIMPORT_MEDIA_QUERY"]); break; case "media": $mq = []; $media_queries = preg_split("/\s*(,|\Wor\W)\s*/", mb_strtolower(trim($match["CSS_ATMEDIA_RULE"]))); foreach ($media_queries as $media_query) { $media_query_matches = []; if (preg_match_all($media_query_regex, $media_query, $media_query_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) === false) { continue; } $mq_grouping = []; foreach ($media_query_matches as $media_query_match) { if (empty($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_TYPE"]) === false) { $media_query_feature = "type"; $media_query_value = strtolower($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_TYPE"]); $media_query_operator = strtolower($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_OP"]); } elseif (empty($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_FEATURE"]) === false) { $media_query_feature = strtolower($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_FEATURE"]); $media_query_value = (array_key_exists("CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_CONDITION", $media_query_match) ? strtolower($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_CONDITION"]) : null); $media_query_operator = strtolower($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_OP"]); } else { // partial error handling implementation per $media_query_feature = "type"; $media_query_value = "all"; $media_query_operator = "not"; } $mq_grouping[] = [$media_query_feature, $media_query_value, $media_query_operator]; } if (count($mq_grouping) > 0) { $mq[] = $mq_grouping; } } $this->_parse_sections($match["CSS_ATMEDIA_BODY"], $mq); break; case "page": //This handles @page to be applied to page oriented media //Note: This has a reduced syntax: //@page { margin:1cm; color:blue; } //Not a sequence of styles like a full.css, but only the properties //of a single style, which is applied to the very first "root" frame before //processing other styles of the frame. //Working properties: // margin (for margin around edge of paper) // font-family (default font of pages) // color (default text color of pages) //Non working properties: // border // padding // background-color //Todo:Reason is unknown //Other properties (like further font or border attributes) not tested. //If a border or background color around each paper sheet is desired, //assign it to the tag, possibly only for the css of the correct media type. // If the page has a name, skip the style. $page_selector = trim($match["CSS_ATPAGE_RULE"]); $key = null; switch ($page_selector) { case "": $key = "base"; break; case ":left": case ":right": case ":odd": case ":even": /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ case ":first": $key = $page_selector; break; default: break 2; } // Store the style for later... if (empty($this->_page_styles[$key])) { $this->_page_styles[$key] = $this->_parse_properties($match["CSS_ATPAGE_BODY"]); } else { $this->_page_styles[$key]->merge($this->_parse_properties($match["CSS_ATPAGE_BODY"])); } break; case "font-face": $this->_parse_font_face($match["CSS_ATFONT_BODY"]); break; default: // ignore everything else break; } continue; } if ($match["CSS_RULESET"] !== "") { $this->_parse_sections($match["CSS_RULESET"]); } } } /** * Resolve the given `url()` declaration to an absolute URL. * * @param string|null $val The declaration to resolve in the context of the stylesheet. * @return string The resolved URL, or `none`, if the value is `none`, * invalid, or points to a non-existent local file. */ public function resolve_url($val): string { $DEBUGCSS = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugCss(); static $pattern = "/" . self::PATTERN_CSS_URL_FN . "/isx"; if ($val === null || $val === "" || strcasecmp($val, "none") === 0) { $path = "none"; } elseif (preg_match($pattern, $val, $matches)) { // Resolve the url now in the context of the current stylesheet $url = $matches["CSS_URL_FN_VALUE"]; switch ($matches["CSS_URL_FN_QUOTE"]) { case "\"": $url = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $url); break; case "'": $url = str_replace("\\'", "'", $url); break; default: $url = str_replace(["\\(", "\\)"], ["(", ")"], $url); break; } $path = Helpers::build_url( $this->_protocol, $this->_base_host, $this->_base_path, $url ); if ($path === null) { $path = "none"; } } else { $path = "none"; } if ($DEBUGCSS) { $parsed_url = Helpers::explode_url($path); print "
            print $this->_protocol . "\n" . $this->_base_path . "\n" . $path . "\n";
            print "_image]
"; } return $path; } /** * parse @import at-rule * * @param string $url the url of the imported CSS file */ private function _parse_import($url, $import_media_query) { // if URL is a CSS string, wrap it in the url function for parsing by the resolve_url method if (mb_strpos($url, "url(") === false) { $url = "url($url)"; } if (($url = $this->resolve_url($url)) === "none") { return; } // Store our current base url properties in case the new url is elsewhere $protocol = $this->_protocol; $host = $this->_base_host; $path = $this->_base_path; $media_query_regex = "/" . self::PATTERN_MEDIA_QUERY . "/isx"; $media_queries = preg_split("/\s*(,|\Wor\W)\s*/", mb_strtolower(trim($import_media_query ?? ""))); if (count($media_queries) === 0) { $this->load_css_file($url, $this->_current_origin); } else { // Set the page width, height, and orientation based on the canvas paper size $canvas = $this->_dompdf->getCanvas(); $paper_width = $canvas->get_width(); $paper_height = $canvas->get_height(); $paper_orientation = ($paper_width > $paper_height ? "landscape" : "portrait"); $style = $this->_page_styles["base"] ?? new Style($this); if (is_array($style->size)) { $paper_width = $style->size[0]; $paper_height = $style->size[1]; $paper_orientation = ($paper_width > $paper_height ? "landscape" : "portrait"); } $acceptedmedia = self::$ACCEPTED_GENERIC_MEDIA_TYPES; $acceptedmedia[] = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDefaultMediaType(); foreach ($media_queries as $media_query) { $media_query_matches = []; if (preg_match_all($media_query_regex, $media_query, $media_query_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) === false) { continue; } foreach ($media_query_matches as $media_query_match) { if (empty($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_TYPE"]) === false) { $media_query_feature = "type"; $media_query_value = strtolower($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_TYPE"]); $media_query_operator = strtolower($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_OP"]); } elseif (empty($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_FEATURE"]) === false) { $media_query_feature = strtolower($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_FEATURE"]); $media_query_value = (array_key_exists("CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_CONDITION", $media_query_match) ? strtolower($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_CONDITION"]) : null); $media_query_operator = strtolower($media_query_match["CSS_MEDIA_QUERY_OP"]); } else { // partial error handling implementation per $media_query_feature = "type"; $media_query_value = "all"; $media_query_operator = "not"; } switch ($media_query_feature) { case "height": $feature_match = $paper_height === (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value); break; case "min-height": $feature_match = $paper_height >= (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value); break; case "max-height": $feature_match = $paper_height <= (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value); break; case "width": $feature_match = $paper_width === (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value); break; case "min-width": $feature_match = $paper_width >= (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value); break; case "max-width": $feature_match = $paper_width <= (float)$style->length_in_pt($media_query_value); break; case "orientation": $feature_match = $paper_orientation === $media_query_value; break; case "type": $feature_match = in_array($media_query_value, $acceptedmedia, true); break; default: Helpers::record_warnings(E_USER_WARNING, "Unknown media query: $media_query_feature", __FILE__, __LINE__); continue (2); } $negate = $media_query_operator === "not"; if ($negate xor !$feature_match) { continue (2); } } //TODO: pass media queries as an argument to load_css_file and apply to all contained styles // to better accommodate styling content in, for example, documents with varying page orientations $this->load_css_file($url, $this->_current_origin); break; // stop here so we don't load the same CSS more than once (at least until we implement that TODO) } } // Restore the current base url $this->_protocol = $protocol; $this->_base_host = $host; $this->_base_path = $path; } /** * parse @font-face{} sections * * * @param string $str CSS @font-face rules */ private function _parse_font_face($str) { $descriptors = $this->_parse_properties($str); preg_match_all("/" . self::PATTERN_CSS_LOCAL_FN . "|" . self::PATTERN_CSS_URL_FN . "\s*(?format\s*\((?collection|embedded-opentype|opentype|svg|truetype|woff|woff2|" . self::PATTERN_CSS_STRING . ")\))?/i", $descriptors->src, $sources, PREG_SET_ORDER); $valid_sources = []; foreach ($sources as $source) { $url_value = $source["CSS_URL_FN_VALUE"] ?? ""; $format = strtolower($source["CSS_STRING_VALUE"] ?? $source["FORMAT_VALUE"] ?? "truetype"); if ($url_value !== "" && $format === "truetype") { $url = Helpers::build_url($this->_protocol, $this->_base_host, $this->_base_path, $url_value); if ($url === null) { continue; } $source_info = [ "uri" => $url_value, "format" => $format, "path" => $url, ]; $valid_sources[] = $source_info; } } if (empty($valid_sources)) { return; } $style = [ "family" => $descriptors->get_font_family_raw(), "weight" => $descriptors->font_weight, "style" => $descriptors->font_style, ]; foreach ($valid_sources as $valid_source) { if ($this->fontMetrics->registerFont($style, $valid_source["path"], $this->_dompdf->getHttpContext())) { break; } } } /** * parse regular CSS blocks * * _parse_properties() creates a new Style object based on the provided * CSS rules. * * @param string $str CSS rules * @return Style */ private function _parse_properties($str) { $DEBUGCSS = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugCss(); if ($DEBUGCSS) { print '[_parse_properties'; } // Split on non-escaped semicolons which are not part of an unquoted // `url()` declaration. Semicolons in strings are not detected here, and // as a consequence, should be escaped if used in a string $urlEnd = "(?> (\\\\[\"'()] | [^\"'()])* ) (?set_prop($prop_name, $value, $important, false); } if ($DEBUGCSS) { print '_parse_properties]'; } return $style; } /** * parse selector + rulesets * * @param string $str CSS selectors and rulesets * @param array $media_queries */ private function _parse_sections($str, $media_queries = []) { // Pre-process selectors: collapse all whitespace and strip whitespace // around '>', '.', ':', '+', '~', '#' $patterns = ["/\s+/", "/\s+([>.:+~#])\s+/"]; $replacements = [" ", "\\1"]; $DEBUGCSS = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugCss(); $sections = explode("}", $str); if ($DEBUGCSS) print '[_parse_sections'; foreach ($sections as $sect) { $i = mb_strpos($sect, "{"); if ($i === false) { continue; } if ($DEBUGCSS) print '[section'; $selector_str = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, mb_substr($sect, 0, $i)); $selectors = preg_split("/,(?![^\(]*\))/", $selector_str, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $style = $this->_parse_properties(trim(mb_substr($sect, $i + 1))); // Assign it to the selected elements foreach ($selectors as $selector) { $selector = trim($selector); if ($selector === "") { if ($DEBUGCSS) print '#empty#'; continue; } if ($DEBUGCSS) print '#' . $selector . '#'; //if ($DEBUGCSS) { if (strpos($selector,'p') !== false) print '!!!p!!!#'; } //FIXME: tag the selector with a hash of the media query to separate it from non-conditional styles (?), xpath comments are probably not what we want to do here if (count($media_queries) > 0) { $style->set_media_queries($media_queries); } $this->add_style($selector, $style); } if ($DEBUGCSS) { print 'section]'; } } if ($DEBUGCSS) { print "_parse_sections]\n"; } } /** * @return string */ public function getDefaultStylesheet() { $options = $this->_dompdf->getOptions(); $rootDir = realpath($options->getRootDir()); return Helpers::build_url("file://", "", $rootDir, $rootDir . self::DEFAULT_STYLESHEET); } /** * @param FontMetrics $fontMetrics * @return $this */ public function setFontMetrics(FontMetrics $fontMetrics) { $this->fontMetrics = $fontMetrics; return $this; } /** * @return FontMetrics */ public function getFontMetrics() { return $this->fontMetrics; } /** * dumps the entire stylesheet as a string * * Generates a string of each selector and associated style in the * Stylesheet. Useful for debugging. * * @return string */ function __toString() { $str = ""; foreach ($this->_styles as $selector => $selector_styles) { foreach ($selector_styles as $style) { $str .= "$selector => " . $style->__toString() . "\n"; } } return $str; } }