states'] ) ) { $tab['preview_states'] = 1; } } } return $settings_tabs; } public function ajax_preview() { check_ajax_referer( 'wpo_wcpdf_preview', 'security' ); try { // check permissions if ( ! $this->user_can_manage_settings() ) { throw new \Exception( esc_html__( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 403 ); } // get document type if ( ! empty( $_POST['document_type'] ) ) { $document_type = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['document_type'] ); } else { $document_type = 'invoice'; } // get order ID if ( ! empty( $_POST['order_id'] ) ) { $order_id = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['order_id'] ); if ( $document_type == 'credit-note' ) { // get last refund ID of the order if available $refund = wc_get_orders( array( 'type' => 'shop_order_refund', 'parent' => $order_id, 'limit' => 1, ) ); $order_id = ! empty( $refund ) ? $refund[0]->get_id() : $order_id; } } else { // default to last order $default_order_id = wc_get_orders( apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_preview_default_order_id_query_args', array( 'limit' => 1, 'return' => 'ids', 'type' => 'shop_order', ), $document_type ) ); $order_id = apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_preview_default_order_id', ! empty( $default_order_id ) ? reset( $default_order_id ) : false ); } // get PDF data for preview if ( $order_id ) { $order = apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_preview_order_object', wc_get_order( $order_id ), $order_id, $document_type ); if ( empty( $order ) ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => esc_html__( 'Order not found!', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ) ) ); } if ( ! in_array( $order->get_type(), array( 'shop_order', 'shop_order_refund' ) ) ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => esc_html__( 'Object found is not an order!', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ) ) ); } // process settings data if ( ! empty( $_POST['data'] ) ) { // parse form data parse_str( $_POST['data'], $form_data ); $form_data = stripslashes_deep( $form_data ); foreach ( $form_data as $option_key => $form_settings ) { if ( apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_preview_filter_option', strpos( $option_key, 'wpo_wcpdf' ) === 0, $option_key ) === false ) { continue; // not our business } // validate option values $form_settings = WPO_WCPDF()->settings->callbacks->validate( $form_settings ); // filter the options add_filter( "option_{$option_key}", function( $value, $option ) use ( $form_settings ) { return maybe_unserialize( $form_settings ); }, 99, 2 ); } // reload settings $this->general_settings = get_option( 'wpo_wcpdf_settings_general' ); $this->debug_settings = get_option( 'wpo_wcpdf_settings_debug' ); do_action( 'wpo_wcpdf_preview_after_reload_settings' ); } $document = wcpdf_get_document( $document_type, $order ); if ( $document ) { if ( ! $document->exists() ) { $document->set_date( current_time( 'timestamp', true ) ); $number_store_method = WPO_WCPDF()->settings->get_sequential_number_store_method(); $number_store_name = apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_document_sequential_number_store', "{$document->slug}_number", $document ); $number_store = new Sequential_Number_Store( $number_store_name, $number_store_method ); $document->set_number( $number_store->get_next() ); } // apply document number formatting if ( $document_number = $document->get_number( $document->get_type() ) ) { if ( ! empty( $document->settings['number_format'] ) ) { foreach ( $document->settings['number_format'] as $key => $value ) { $document_number->$key = $document->settings['number_format'][$key]; } } $document_number->apply_formatting( $document, $order ); } // preview $pdf_data = $document->preview_pdf(); wp_send_json_success( array( 'pdf_data' => base64_encode( $pdf_data ) ) ); } else { wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => sprintf( /* translators: order ID */ esc_html__( 'Document not available for order #%s, try selecting a different order.', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), $order_id ) ) ); } } else { wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => esc_html__( 'No WooCommerce orders found! Please consider adding your first order to see this preview.', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ) ) ); } } catch ( \Throwable $th ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => sprintf( /* translators: error message */ esc_html__( 'Error trying to generate document: %s', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), $th->getMessage() ) ) ); } wp_die(); } public function preview_order_search() { check_ajax_referer( 'wpo_wcpdf_preview', 'security' ); try { // check permissions if ( ! $this->user_can_manage_settings() ) { throw new \Exception( esc_html__( 'You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), 403 ); } if ( ! empty( $_POST['search'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['document_type'] ) ) { $search = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['search'] ); $document_type = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['document_type'] ); $results = array(); // we have an order ID if ( is_numeric( $search ) && wc_get_order( $search ) ) { $results = [ $search ]; // no order ID, let's try with customer } else { $default_args = apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_preview_order_search_args', array( 'type' => 'shop_order', 'limit' => 10, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'return' => 'ids', ), $document_type ); // search by email if ( is_email( $search ) ) { $args = array( 'customer' => $search ); $args = $args + $default_args; $results = wc_get_orders( $args ); // search by names } else { $names = array( 'billing_first_name', 'billing_last_name', 'billing_company' ); foreach ( $names as $name ) { $args = array( $name => $search ); $args = $args + $default_args; $results = wc_get_orders( $args ); if ( count( $results ) > 0 ) { break; } } } } // filter results $results = apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_preview_order_search_results', $results, $search, $document_type ); // if we got here we have results! if ( ! empty( $results ) ) { $data = array(); foreach ( $results as $value ) { $order = wc_get_order( $value ); if ( empty( $order ) ) { continue; } $order_id = is_callable( array( $order, 'get_id' ) ) ? $order->get_id() : 0; $data[$order_id]['order_number'] = is_callable( array( $order, 'get_order_number' ) ) ? $order->get_order_number() : ''; $data[$order_id]['billing_first_name'] = is_callable( array( $order, 'get_billing_first_name' ) ) ? $order->get_billing_first_name() : ''; $data[$order_id]['billing_last_name'] = is_callable( array( $order, 'get_billing_last_name' ) ) ? $order->get_billing_last_name() : ''; $data[$order_id]['billing_company'] = is_callable( array( $order, 'get_billing_company' ) ) ? $order->get_billing_company() : ''; $data[$order_id]['date_created'] = is_callable( array( $order, 'get_date_created' ) ) ? '' . esc_attr__( 'Date', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ) . ': ' . $order->get_date_created()->format( 'Y/m/d' ) : ''; $data[$order_id]['total'] = is_callable( array( $order, 'get_total' ) ) ? '' . esc_attr__( 'Total', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ) . ': ' . wc_price( $order->get_total() ) : ''; } $data = apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_preview_order_search_data', $data, $results ); wp_send_json_success( $data ); } else { wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => esc_html__( 'No order(s) found!', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ) ) ); } } else { wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => esc_html__( 'An error occurred when trying to process your request!', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ) ) ); } } catch ( \Throwable $th ) { wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => sprintf( /* translators: error message */ esc_html__( 'Error trying to get orders: %s', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), $th->getMessage() ) ) ); } wp_die(); } public function add_settings_fields( $settings_fields, $page, $option_group, $option_name ) { foreach ( $settings_fields as $settings_field ) { if ( ! isset( $settings_field['callback'] ) ) { continue; } elseif ( is_callable( array( $this->callbacks, $settings_field['callback'] ) ) ) { $callback = array( $this->callbacks, $settings_field['callback'] ); } elseif ( is_callable( $settings_field['callback'] ) ) { $callback = $settings_field['callback']; } else { continue; } if ( $settings_field['type'] == 'section' ) { add_settings_section( $settings_field['id'], $settings_field['title'], $callback, $page ); } else { add_settings_field( $settings_field['id'], $settings_field['title'], $callback, $page, $settings_field['section'], $settings_field['args'] ); // register option separately for singular options if ( is_string( $settings_field['callback'] ) && $settings_field['callback'] == 'singular_text_element') { register_setting( $option_group, $settings_field['args']['option_name'], array( $this->callbacks, 'validate' ) ); } } } // $page, $option_group & $option_name are all the same... register_setting( $option_group, $option_name, array( $this->callbacks, 'validate' ) ); add_filter( 'option_page_capability_'.$page, array( $this, 'user_settings_capability' ) ); } public function get_common_document_settings() { $common_settings = array( 'paper_size' => isset( $this->general_settings['paper_size'] ) ? $this->general_settings['paper_size'] : '', 'font_subsetting' => isset( $this->general_settings['font_subsetting'] ) || ( defined("DOMPDF_ENABLE_FONTSUBSETTING") && DOMPDF_ENABLE_FONTSUBSETTING === true ) ? true : false, 'header_logo' => isset( $this->general_settings['header_logo'] ) ? $this->general_settings['header_logo'] : '', 'header_logo_height' => isset( $this->general_settings['header_logo_height'] ) ? $this->general_settings['header_logo_height'] : '', 'shop_name' => isset( $this->general_settings['shop_name'] ) ? $this->general_settings['shop_name'] : '', 'shop_address' => isset( $this->general_settings['shop_address'] ) ? $this->general_settings['shop_address'] : '', 'footer' => isset( $this->general_settings['footer'] ) ? $this->general_settings['footer'] : '', 'extra_1' => isset( $this->general_settings['extra_1'] ) ? $this->general_settings['extra_1'] : '', 'extra_2' => isset( $this->general_settings['extra_2'] ) ? $this->general_settings['extra_2'] : '', 'extra_3' => isset( $this->general_settings['extra_3'] ) ? $this->general_settings['extra_3'] : '', ); return $common_settings; } public function get_document_settings( $document_type ) { $documents = WPO_WCPDF()->documents->get_documents( 'all' ); foreach ( $documents as $document ) { if ( $document->get_type() == $document_type ) { return $document->settings; } } return false; } public function get_output_format( $document_type = null ) { if ( isset( $this->debug_settings['html_output'] ) ) { $output_format = 'html'; } else { $output_format = 'pdf'; } return apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_output_format', $output_format, $document_type ); } public function get_output_mode() { if ( isset( WPO_WCPDF()->settings->general_settings['download_display'] ) ) { switch ( WPO_WCPDF()->settings->general_settings['download_display'] ) { case 'display': $output_mode = 'inline'; break; case 'download': default: $output_mode = 'download'; break; } } else { $output_mode = 'download'; } return $output_mode; } public function get_template_path() { // return default path if no template selected if ( empty( $this->general_settings['template_path'] ) ) { return $this->normalize_path( WPO_WCPDF()->plugin_path() . '/templates/Simple' ); } $installed_templates = $this->get_installed_templates(); $selected_template = $this->general_settings['template_path']; if ( in_array( $selected_template, $installed_templates ) ) { return array_search( $selected_template, $installed_templates ); } else { // unknown template or full template path (filter override) $template_path = $this->normalize_path( $selected_template ); // add base path, checking if it's not already there // alternative setups like Bedrock have WP_CONTENT_DIR & ABSPATH separated if ( defined( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ) && strpos( WP_CONTENT_DIR, ABSPATH ) !== false ) { $base_path = $this->normalize_path( ABSPATH ); } else { $base_path = $this->normalize_path( WP_CONTENT_DIR ); } if ( strpos( $template_path, $base_path ) === false ) { $template_path = $this->normalize_path( $base_path . $template_path ); } } return $template_path; } public function get_installed_templates( $force_reload = false ) { // because this method can be called (too) early we load from a cached list in those cases // this cache is updated each time the template settings are saved/updated if ( ! did_action( 'wpo_wcpdf_init_documents' ) && ( $cached_template_list = $this->get_template_list_cache() ) ) { return $cached_template_list; } // to save resources on the disk operations we only do this once if ( $force_reload === false && ! empty ( $this->installed_templates ) ) { return $this->installed_templates; } $installed_templates = array(); // get base paths $template_base_path = ( function_exists( 'WC' ) && is_callable( array( WC(), 'template_path' ) ) ) ? WC()->template_path() : apply_filters( 'woocommerce_template_path', 'woocommerce/' ); $template_base_path = untrailingslashit( $template_base_path ); $template_paths = array ( // note the order: theme before child-theme, so that child theme is always preferred (overwritten) 'default' => WPO_WCPDF()->plugin_path() . '/templates/', 'theme' => get_template_directory() . "/{$template_base_path}/pdf/", 'child-theme' => get_stylesheet_directory() . "/{$template_base_path}/pdf/", ); $template_paths = apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_template_paths', $template_paths ); foreach ( $template_paths as $template_source => $template_path ) { $dirs = (array) glob( $template_path . '*' , GLOB_ONLYDIR ); foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) { $clean_dir = $this->normalize_path( $dir ); $template_name = basename( $clean_dir ); // let child theme override parent theme $group = ( $template_source == 'child-theme' ) ? 'theme' : $template_source; $installed_templates[ $clean_dir ] = "{$group}/{$template_name}" ; } } if ( empty( $installed_templates ) ) { // fallback to Simple template for servers with glob() disabled $simple_template_path = $this->normalize_path( $template_paths['default'] . 'Simple' ); $installed_templates[$simple_template_path] = 'default/Simple'; } $installed_templates = apply_filters( 'wpo_wcpdf_installed_templates', $installed_templates ); $this->installed_templates = $installed_templates; if ( ! empty( $this->template_list_cache ) && array_diff_assoc( $this->template_list_cache, $this->installed_templates ) ) { $this->set_template_list_cache( $this->installed_templates ); } return $installed_templates; } public function get_template_list_cache() { $template_list = get_option( 'wpo_wcpdf_installed_template_paths', array() ); if ( ! empty( $template_list ) ) { $checked_list = array(); $outdated = false; // cache could be outdated, so we check whether the folders exist foreach ( $template_list as $path => $template_id ) { if ( @is_dir( $path ) ) { $checked_list[$path] = $template_id; // folder exists continue; } $outdated = true; // folder does not exist, try replacing base if we can locate wp-content $wp_content_folder = 'wp-content'; if ( strpos( $path, $wp_content_folder ) !== false && defined( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) ) { // try wp-content $relative_path = substr( $path, strrpos( $path, $wp_content_folder ) + strlen( $wp_content_folder ) ); $new_path = WP_CONTENT_DIR . $relative_path; if ( @is_dir( $new_path ) ) { $checked_list[$new_path] = $template_id; } } } if ( $outdated ) { $this->set_template_list_cache( $checked_list ); } $this->installed_templates_cache = $checked_list; return $checked_list; } else { return array(); } } public function set_template_list_cache( $template_list ) { $this->template_list_cache = $template_list; update_option( 'wpo_wcpdf_installed_template_paths', $template_list ); } public function delete_template_list_cache() { delete_option( 'wpo_wcpdf_installed_template_paths' ); } public function general_settings_updated( $old_settings, $settings, $option ) { if ( is_array( $settings ) && ! empty ( $settings['template_path'] ) ) { $this->delete_template_list_cache(); $this->set_template_list_cache( $this->get_installed_templates() ); } } public function debug_settings_updated( $old_settings, $settings, $option ) { if ( is_array( $settings ) && is_array( $old_settings ) && empty( $old_settings['pretty_document_links'] ) && ! empty ( $settings['pretty_document_links'] ) ) { set_transient( 'wpo_wcpdf_flush_rewrite_rules', 'yes', HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } } public function maybe_delete_flush_rewrite_rules_transient() { if ( get_transient( 'wpo_wcpdf_flush_rewrite_rules' ) ) { flush_rewrite_rules(); delete_transient( 'wpo_wcpdf_flush_rewrite_rules' ); } } public function get_relative_template_path( $absolute_path ) { if ( defined('WP_CONTENT_DIR') && strpos( WP_CONTENT_DIR, ABSPATH ) !== false ) { $base_path = $this->normalize_path( ABSPATH ); } else { $base_path = $this->normalize_path( WP_CONTENT_DIR ); } return str_replace( $base_path, '', $this->normalize_path( $absolute_path ) ); } public function normalize_path( $path ) { return function_exists( 'wp_normalize_path' ) ? wp_normalize_path( $path ) : str_replace('\\','/', $path ); } public function maybe_migrate_template_paths( $settings_section = null ) { // bail if no template is selected yet (fresh install) if ( empty( $this->general_settings['template_path'] ) ) { return; } $installed_templates = $this->get_installed_templates( true ); $selected_template = $this->normalize_path( $this->general_settings['template_path'] ); $template_match = ''; if ( ! in_array( $selected_template, $installed_templates ) && substr_count( $selected_template, '/' ) > 1 ) { // search for path match foreach ( $installed_templates as $path => $template_id ) { $path = $this->normalize_path( $path ); // check if the last part of the path matches if ( substr( $path, -strlen( $selected_template ) ) === $selected_template ) { $template_match = $template_id; break; } } // fallback to template name if no path match if ( empty( $template_match ) ) { $template_ids = array_flip( array_unique( array_combine( $installed_templates, array_map( 'basename', $installed_templates ) ) ) ); $template_name = basename( $selected_template ); if ( ! empty ( $template_ids[$template_name] ) ) { $template_match = $template_ids[$template_name]; } } // migrate setting if we have a match if ( ! empty( $template_match ) ) { $this->general_settings['template_path'] = $template_match; update_option( 'wpo_wcpdf_settings_general', $this->general_settings ); /* translators: 1. path, 2. template ID */ wcpdf_log_error( sprintf( 'Template setting migrated from %1$s to %2$s', $path, $template_id ), 'info' ); } } } public function set_number_store() { check_ajax_referer( "wpo_wcpdf_next_{$_POST['store']}", 'security' ); // check permissions if ( ! $this->user_can_manage_settings() ) { die(); } $number = ! empty( $_POST['number'] ) ? (int) $_POST['number'] : 0; if ( $number > 0 ) { $number_store_method = $this->get_sequential_number_store_method(); $number_store = new Sequential_Number_Store( $_POST['store'], $number_store_method ); $number_store->set_next( $number ); echo wp_kses_post( "next number ({$_POST['store']}) set to {$number}" ); } die(); } public function get_sequential_number_store_method() { global $wpdb; $method = isset( $this->debug_settings['calculate_document_numbers'] ) ? 'calculate' : 'auto_increment'; // safety first - always use calculate when auto_increment_increment is not 1 $row = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'auto_increment_increment'"); if ( ! empty( $row ) && ! empty( $row->Value ) && $row->Value != 1 ) { $method = 'calculate'; } return $method; } public function schedule_yearly_reset_numbers() { if ( ! $this->maybe_schedule_yearly_reset_numbers() ) { return; } // checks AS functions existence if ( ! function_exists( 'as_schedule_single_action' ) || ! function_exists( 'as_get_scheduled_actions' ) ) { return; } $next_year = strval( intval( current_time( 'Y' ) ) + 1 ); $datetime = new \WC_DateTime( "{$next_year}-01-01 00:00:01", new \DateTimeZone( wc_timezone_string() ) ); $lock = new Semaphore( $this->lock_name, $this->lock_time, array( wc_get_logger() ), $this->lock_context ); $hook = 'wpo_wcpdf_schedule_yearly_reset_numbers'; // checks if there are pending actions $scheduled_actions = count( as_get_scheduled_actions( array( 'hook' => $hook, 'status' => \ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING, ) ) ); // if no concurrent actions sets the action if ( $scheduled_actions < 1 ) { if ( $lock->lock( $this->lock_retries ) ) { try { $action_id = as_schedule_single_action( $datetime->getTimestamp(), $hook ); if ( ! empty( $action_id ) ) { wcpdf_log_error( "Yearly document numbers reset scheduled with the action id: {$action_id}", 'info' ); } else { wcpdf_log_error( 'The yearly document numbers reset action schedule failed!', 'critical' ); } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $lock->log( $e, 'critical' ); } catch ( \Error $e ) { $lock->log( $e, 'critical' ); } $lock->release(); } else { $lock->log( "Couldn't get the lock!", 'critical' ); } } else { wcpdf_log_error( "Number of concurrent yearly document numbers reset actions found: {$scheduled_actions}", 'error' ); if ( function_exists( 'as_unschedule_all_actions' ) ) { as_unschedule_all_actions( $hook ); } // reschedule $this->schedule_yearly_reset_numbers(); } } public function yearly_reset_numbers() { $lock = new Semaphore( $this->lock_name, $this->lock_time, array( wc_get_logger() ), $this->lock_context ); if ( $lock->lock( $this->lock_retries ) ) { try { // reset numbers $documents = WPO_WCPDF()->documents->get_documents( 'all' ); $number_stores = array(); foreach ( $documents as $document ) { if ( is_callable( array( $document, 'get_sequential_number_store' ) ) ) { $number_stores[$document->get_type()] = $document->get_sequential_number_store(); } } // log reset number events if ( ! empty( $number_stores ) ) { foreach( $number_stores as $document_type => $number_store ) { if ( $number_store->get_next() === 1 ) { wcpdf_log_error( "Yearly number reset succeed for '{$document_type}' with database table name: {$number_store->table_name}", 'info' ); } else { wcpdf_log_error( "An error occurred while trying to reset yearly number for '{$document_type}' with database table name: {$number_store->table_name}", 'error' ); } } } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $lock->log( $e, 'critical' ); } catch ( \Error $e ) { $lock->log( $e, 'critical' ); } $lock->release(); } else { $lock->log( "Couldn't get the lock!", 'critical' ); } // reschedule the action for the next year $this->schedule_yearly_reset_numbers(); } public function maybe_schedule_yearly_reset_numbers() { $schedule = false; foreach ( WPO_WCPDF()->documents->get_documents( 'all' ) as $document ) { if ( isset( $document->settings['reset_number_yearly'] ) ) { $schedule = true; break; } } // unschedule existing actions if ( ! $schedule && function_exists( 'as_unschedule_all_actions' ) ) { as_unschedule_all_actions( 'wpo_wcpdf_schedule_yearly_reset_numbers' ); } return $schedule; } public function yearly_reset_action_is_scheduled() { $is_scheduled = false; $scheduled_actions = as_get_scheduled_actions( array( 'hook' => 'wpo_wcpdf_schedule_yearly_reset_numbers', 'status' => \ActionScheduler_Store::STATUS_PENDING, ) ); if ( ! empty( $scheduled_actions ) ) { $total_actions = count( $scheduled_actions ); if ( $total_actions === 1 ) { $is_scheduled = true; } else { $message = sprintf( /* translators: total scheduled actions */ __( 'Only 1 scheduled action should exist for the yearly reset of the numbering system, but %s were found', 'woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips' ), $total_actions ); wcpdf_log_error( $message ); } } return $is_scheduled; } public function get_media_upload_setting_html() { check_ajax_referer( 'wpo_wcpdf_get_media_upload_setting_html', 'security' ); // check permissions if ( ! $this->user_can_manage_settings() ) { wp_send_json_error(); } // get previous (default) args and preset current $args = $_POST['args']; $args['current'] = absint( $_POST['attachment_id'] ); // get settings HTML ob_start(); $this->callbacks->media_upload( $args ); $html = ob_get_clean(); return wp_send_json_success( $html ); } public function move_setting_after_id( $settings, $insert_settings, $after_setting_id ) { $pos = 1; // this is already +1 to insert after the actual pos foreach ( $settings as $setting ) { if ( isset( $setting['id'] ) && $setting['id'] == $after_setting_id ) { $section = $setting['section']; break; } else { $pos++; } } // replace section if ( isset( $section ) ) { foreach ( $insert_settings as $key => $insert_setting ) { $insert_settings[$key]['section'] = $section; } } else { $empty_section = array( array( 'type' => 'section', 'id' => 'custom', 'title' => '', 'callback' => 'section', ), ); $insert_settings = array_merge( $empty_section, $insert_settings ); } // insert our api settings $new_settings = array_merge( array_slice( $settings, 0, $pos, true ), $insert_settings, array_slice( $settings, $pos, NULL, true ) ); return $new_settings; } } endif; // class_exists